There is two type of GUI env in linux now, X11 and Wayland the first one is the widelly compatible with any gpu, the second one only for modern GPU capable of 3D, this last is NOT LIGHT just is faster cos it uses all the advanced features of GPUs.
apk add shadow shadow-uidmap shadow-login doas \
gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly \
gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-good-gtk gst-plugin-pipewire \
libcanberra-gtk2 libcanberra-gtk3 libcanberra-gstreamer \
mediainfo ffmpeg ffmpeg-doc ffmpeg-libs lame lame-doc rtkit rtkit-doc \
mpv mpv-doc deadbeef deadbeef-lang libxinerama xrandr cairo pango pixman \
gvfs gvfs-fuse gvfs-archive gvfs-afp gvfs-afp gvfs-afc gvfs-cdda \
ntfs-3g gvfs-afc gvfs-nfs gvfs-archive gvfs-dav gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-avahi \
gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-mtp libreoffice libreoffice-gnome \
zathura zathura-ps zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-djvu zathura-cb
for u in $(ls /home); do for g in plugdev audio cdrom dialout video netdev; do addgroup $u $g; done;done
cat > /etc/network/interfaces << EOF
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
service networking restart && service wpa_supplicant restart && service networkmanager restart
apk add xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-wlr xdg-desktop-portal-lang \
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-lang xdg-desktop-portal-gnome \
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-kde xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt \
xdg-desktop-portal-phosh xdg-desktop-portal-xapp
The mga module since 2018 is only created for server boards, this section is not for the old cards that has limited GPU/KMS for the nowadays task.
This setting may work with older cards too, by the Option "AccelMethod" "none"
make it possible to work under demanding 3D required envs:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Matrox"
Driver "modesetting"
Option "AccelMethod" "none"
Pre-configure with improved GTK applications using MATE such
as caja
for desktop handler and file manager,
the caja-extensions
for file manager actions,
also mate-control-center
for desktop configuration,
for segurity elevation,
the mate-settings-daemon
for sync all the configs beetween GTK 2/3/4,
the engrampa
for archiving and compression tool cos
are forced in junction with caja
and provides better integration
with propietary archived/compresed files.
This document assume you used alpine-tutorial-desktops-openbox-fast-forward.md guide, so this just continue and change the settings no matter what are present.
This document will assume you already has installed openbox
, elogind
as default, xorg-server
, network-manager-applet
, jgmenu
, and
the pipewire
framework using wireplumber-logind
package, if not just run:
apk add openbox elogind lightdm xorg-server network-manager-applet jgmenu pipewire wireplumber-logind
apk add mate-desktop mate-session-manager mate-panel sakura engrampa pluma \
mate-themes mate-polkit mate-power-manager mate-settings-daemon \
clipper mate-notification-daemon mate-screensaver mate-utils mate-system-monitor mate-menus \
mate-control-center mate-control-center-lang caja caja-lang caja-extensions \
mate-panel-lang mate-media mate-media-lang mate-screensaver-lang mate-utils-lang \
mate-system-monitor-lang mate-applets mate-applets-lang mate-power-manager-lang mate-settings-daemon-lang \
gvfs gvfs-fuse gvfs-archive gvfs-afp gvfs-afp gvfs-afc gvfs-cdda gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-mtp \
libreoffice libreoffice-gnome atril atril-lang atril-doc
sed -i -r 's|.*xfce-mcs-manager \&.*|/usr/libexec/mate-settings-daemon \&|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart
apk add jgmenu mate-control-center terminator
cat > /etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml << EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<openbox_menu xmlns="http://openbox.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://openbox.org/ file:///usr/share/openbox/menu.xsd">
<menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">
<item label="Terminal">
<action name="Execute"><execute>terminator</execute></action>
<item label="Applicacions">
<action name="Execute"><execute>jgmenu-run</execute></action>
<separator />
<item label="Configure">
<action name="Execute"><execute>mate-control-center</execute></action>
<item label="Reload">
<action name="Reconfigure" />
<item label="Restart">
<action name="Restart" />
<separator />
<item label="Exit">
<action name="Exit" />
mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/jgmenu/
cat > /etc/skel/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc << EOF
stay_alive = 0
tint2_look = 0
position_mode = pointer
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
menu_width = 200
menu_padding_top = 5
menu_padding_right = 1
menu_padding_bottom = 4
menu_padding_left = 1
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
sub_hover_action = 1
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 4
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
sep_height = 3
font = Sans 12
icon_size = 16
cat > /etc/skel/.config/jgmenu/append.csv << EOF
Exit Openbox,openbox --exit,exit
for u in $(ls /home); do mkdir -p /home/$u/.config/jgmenu && cp /etc/skel/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc /home/$u/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc; done
sed -i -r 's|.*titleLayout.*|<titleLayout>NDLSIMC</titleLayout>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|.*keepBorder.*|<keepBorder>yes</keepBorder>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|.*animateIconify.*|<animateIconify>no</animateIconify>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|[1-9]</size>|12</size>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|[1-9]</number>|1</number>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|.*drawContents.*|<drawContents>no</drawContents>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|<command>kfmclient.*|<command>pcmanfm</command>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
sed -i -r 's|Clearlooks|Bear2|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.mxl
sed -i -r 's|.*root-menu.*|<action name="Execute"><command>jgmenu_run</command></action>|g' /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
for u in $(ls /home); do mkdir -p /home/$u/.config/openbox; done
for u in $(ls /home); do chown -R $u:$u /home/$u; done
Installing MATE will add a layer of complexity, we just use the daemon sync for settings and the polkit for security elevation, session handler is managed by the openbox itselft, the virtual filesystems are handled by the gvfs package software, and the powermanager is the only thing you will be forced to use if your bare metal computer is a laptop (that can be avoid if you configured couple of backends programs as fdpowerdown).
Also we do not use by default the panel, but here we will configure it for older non modern users, you just can avoid the panel configuration cos we already have the GJmenu handler for.
Unfortunatelly Alpine packagers do not have any GUI exec launcher.. so the panel will provide this, unless you like to have a lof of stupid terminal windows opened to just launch programs being a stupid geek old school and wasting lof of threats of execution and mem ram.
by the same previous reason, its based on file-roller
that is the archiving tool with best support for non-free archivers, the
light well knowed xarchiver
is too poor in such support and the rest are
made in QT framework that will force lot of dependencies and poor GTK integration.caja
cos web browsers only understand caja
, thunar
and nautilus
as filemanagers with pinting focus of downloaded file, you can change by pcmanfm
but file pointing will be limited if you manage huge amount of files in same
directory (forced to use find tool event just click on the web browser after
file downloading).atril
and eom
but those
are the best cos supports virtual file systems, the gpicview
package is
very light but does not support any virtual file system, in the same line is
the document viewer, there is zathura
that two more packages to support ps/pdf
files for extra dependencies.Warning the
package must be installed, just runapk add openbox-doc
Wayland is so crap becouse nothig great work under and forced 3d gpu usage
If (after runs wayland) module auto-selection does not work, e.g. no mouse cursor under Sway, manually selection might be needed to declare explilcy variables by example:
will be need for QT environment under waylandMESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=crocus
for Intel’s GPUs up to HaswellsteamMESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=r300
for AMD’s Radeon R300, R400, and R500 GPUs.MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=r600
for AMD’s Radeon R600 up to Nort Islands.MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=radeonsi
for AMD’s Sout Island GPUs and later.MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=iris
for Intel’s Iris/Arc modern GPUs and later._JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1
for threath all events as X11 requests.SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
may be used with caution, ex: Steam is buitl witout it.QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
used with caution, for qt6 must be, for qt5 can be nullMOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1
only will work in lasted firefox package (3.20+)Only GDM, SDDM and GREETD fully supports wayland and only if you have intel or AMD gpu, so crap!
This guide will:
apk add elogind elogind-openrc shadow-login greetd greetd-gtkgreet cage \
mesa mesa-gl mesa-utils mesa-osmesa mesa-egl mesa-gles \
mesa-dri-gallium mesa-va-gallium libva-intel-driver \
xf86-video-intel xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-nouveau xf86-video-ati \
xf86-input-evdev xf86-video-modesetting xf86-input-libinput \
linux-firmware-amdgpu linux-firmware-radeon linux-firmware-nvidia \
linux-firmware-i915 linux-firmware-intel font-noto-all ttf-dejavu \
polkit polkit-openrc polkit-elogind networkmanager-elogind linux-pam \
labwc xwayland wayland-libs-server wayland wlroots weston-desktop-x11 \
weston weston-backend-wayland weston-backend-x11 weston-backend-drm \
weston-backend-wayland weston-backend-headless weston-shell-desktop \
weston-clients wlogout font-jetbrains-mono wezterm-fonts \
dbus dbus-x11 udisks2 shadow shadow-uidmap shadow-login doas
cat > /etc/doas.d/apkgeneral.conf << EOF
permit nopass general as root cmd apk
useradd -m -U -c "" -G wheel,input,disk,floppy,cdrom,dialout,audio,video,lp,netdev,games,users,ping general
cat > /etc/greetd/config.toml << EOF
vt = next
switch = true
command = "dbus-run-session labwc"
user = general
cat > /etc/conf.d/greetd << EOF
rc-update add elogind
rc-update add polkit
rc-update add greetd
rc-service elogind restart
rc-service polkit restart
rc-service greetd restart
Wayland is broken by design: A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications; It offloads a lot of work to each and every window manager. As a result, the same basic features get implemented differently in different window managers, with different behaviors and bugs
Warning so what works on desktop environment “A” will or will not necessarily work in desktop environment B (e.g., often you hear that something “works in Wayland”, even though it only really works on Gnome and KDE, not in all Wayland implementations). The best example is that apps using older GTK2/QT4 are not Wayland-ready and will fails! This summarizes it very well: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland/-/issues/233
Also take in consideration that it is not possible to start graphical apps
under the root account from terminal when using su
or any similar command.
Apps which use polkit to request administrator permissions for just certain
operations and only when needed are not affected (they are not started as root
right away). The discussion is ongoing about the best approach to take, see
bug 1274451 at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1274451
It is no longer possible for an app to change monitor resolution. Usually this was done by games to increase performance. Unfortunatelly there is no Wayland-based games cos wayland is only specs for compositing spo it will use a different approach (scaling its output that means more work for gpu!!). But for X11 games (running through XWayland) this solution is not available.
This results in a number of different types of behavior, based on how the game is written/developed: the game might be fixed in the desktop resolution, or rendered as a small centered image with black bars around it, or crash on startup, or something different. See bug 1289714 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1289714
variable set:echo $WAYLAND_DISPLAY
If the output should be wayland-0
to be correct! X11 ones shoudl not set!
environment variable:DISPLAY='' command
If the application runs OK, it should be using Wayland natively.
environment variable:WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 command
If you see loads of output (compared standard run), is using Wayland natively.
This guide structure all the commands in blocks, each block its separated by a line spaced, so you must type each line as is.. and hit enter, so you noted that then you typed each separated clocks of commands, copy/type only blocks separated by an empty line, all new(next) lines are made by just enter. the terminal will detect if must execute or not.
If you have another computer or gui, try to use SSH client like putty or just in terminal (MAC or Linux) do:
sed -i 's|.*PermitRootLogin.*|PermitRootLogin yes|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config;service sshd restart
ssh -l root <ip>
change “<ip>
” with the address of your device.Warning Some Linux or/and Mac terminals have security cut/paste locks, so if you paste, the first line will be preceded by garbage, check always the first char of your paste.
Warning after finish, rerun:
sed -i -r 's|.*PermitRootLogin.*|PermitRootLogin no|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and restart sshservice sshd restart
becouse security implications.
Done? return to Preparation section of this document.
item | minimal feature | Extra recommendations |
RAM MB | 1Gb DDR1 | 6Gb DDR3, web browsers consumes so much |
CPU | intel Dual Core | Not necesary |
RAM CPU | 2Mb (L2) 4kb/L1 | |
GPU | intel G41 | Radeon X1200 For web browsers and modern apps will be need |
RAM GPU | 256Mb | 1Gb For web browsers and modern apps will be need |
Storage | 120Gb HDD WD | 256Gb SSD are mandatory for speed |
ARCH | 32bits (i386/arm6) | 64bits (amd64) mandatory for most modern apps unfortunatelly |
Audio | AC 97 | HD audio and HDMI audio are a mess |
item | name | password |
remote | daru | daru |
admin | root | toor |
user | general | general |
Done? return to Preparation section of this document.
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