
alpine qemu emulation

qemu its a emulation system that uses KVM (kernel virtual machine) and also are capable of hypervision!

Initially QEMU was an emulation engine, with a Just-In-Time compiler (TCG) to dynamically translate target instruction set architecture (ISA) to host ISA.

Nowadays, QEMU offers virtualization through different accelerators. Virtualization is considered an accelerator because it prevents unneeded emulation of instructions when host and target share the same architecture.

Only system level (aka supervisor/ring0) instructions might be emulated/intercepted.

modes of emulation:

terminology to understand mechanism

The host is the platform and architecture which QEMU is running on, is the native machine where the qemu will run the virtual machine

The guest is the architecture which is emulated by QEMU, is the target machine that will be emulated from the host or native machine.

The device front end is how a device is presented to the guest. The type of device presented should match the hardware that the guest operating system is expecting to see. All devices can be specified with the --device command line option. Running QEMU with the command line options --device help will list all devices. Running QEMU with command line --device foo,help will list options for “foo” device. The *device front end is often paired with a back end, which describes how the hosts devices resources are used in the emulation.

The device back end describes how the data from the emulated device will be processed by QEMU. The configuration of the back end is usually specific to the class of device being emulated. While the choice of back end is generally transparent to the guest, there are cases where features will not be reported to the guest if the back end is unable to support it.

The Device pass through is where the device is actually given access to the underlying hardware. This can be as simple as exposing a single USB device on the host system to the guest or dedicating a video card in a PCI slot to the exclusive.

packages in alpine

name debian equivalent important files
qemu seabios bios.bin
aavmf qemu-efi-aarch64 QEMU_EFI.fd
qemu-modules qemu-system-gui+qemu-system-common  

emulation of x86 based machines and best configurations

machine option 32bit x86 i386 64bit x86_64 amd64 observations
bios best option bios-256k.bin (qemu) OVMF.fd (ovmf) both are under /usr/share paths, ovmf is EFI only
CPU and motherboard -cpu n270 -machine pc -cpu Conroe -machine q35 each provides defaults based on natural features
Defaults on chipset i440FX+PIIX3 PATA PS2 G31+ICH9 SATA USB no matter choosed features can be combined but not the best
Hardware on virtual ISA, PCI, PATA, BIOS PCIe, MMCFG, vIOMMU, AHCI, UEFI For MSDOS or WinXP you must set “pc” machine
Use cases boot older software P2V, OVMF, vIOMMU migration of modern machines can be done with “q35”
it required KVM? no, if you use defaults yes if you map real devices if you dont use kvm you cannot translate real devices

emulation of arm based machines and best configurations

machine option 32bit arm32 armv6 64bit aarch64 armv8 observations
bios best option default QEMU_EFI.fd (aamf) under /usr/share/ path using aamvf package from aarch64 arch
CPU and motherboard cortex-a7 -machine virt cortex-a35 -machine virt no defaults, must select a machine profile
Defaults on chipset GICv2M PCI GPIO MSI GICv2M PCI/PCIe PL011 UART Note that ITS is not modeled in TCG mode
Hardware on virtual PCIe, PCI, it depends on machine PCIe, it depends on machine Unfortunately Arm boards are currently undocumented
Use cases boot older software basic testing only you must setup specific machine board
it required KVM? no, for basic emulation not tested, need for real devices mapped if you dont use kvm you cannot translate real devices in general

emulation of devices and compatibility

device type command line i386 amd64 arm aarch64 observations
USB 1.x -device pci-ohci Yes Yes Yes Yes can be dificult with arm machines
USB 2.x -device usb-ehci Yes Yes No Yes is not the best option, consumes CPU
USB 3.x+2.x -device nec-usb-xhci Yes Yes Yes Yes best option, recent version has qemu-xhci
keyboard/mouse -device usb-mouse -device usb-tablet Yes Yes Not Yes best option, recent version has usb-kbd
Storage Virtio -device virtio-scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd1 Not Yes Yes Yes slow, use with -drive file=diskimg.qcow,if=none,id=hd1
Storage IDE   in Yes Not Not Built in on i440fx and q32 machines
HD audio -device intel-hda -device hda-duplex Not Yes Yes Yes -device AC97 is best for i386 32bit and older software
Hardware entropy -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Use with -object rng-random,id=rng0,filename=/dev/urandom
Hardware HDD/SSD -drive file=/dev/sdX#,cache=none,if=virtio Yes Yes Not Not Use with caution, X is disk and # is partition

Provisioning virtual disks

AS we said.. qemu can manage in many ways the storage, it can use emulated storage or inclusivelly real one, this will impact in performance, and also will deal with limitations:

Type Qemu builin block feats migration extra required observations
Qemu emulated IDE Yes Yes No, build in slow or mid performance
Qemu emulated NVMe Yes Yes command line basic or mid performance
Qemu emulated virtio-blk Yes Yes command line relative best performance, few disks
Qemu emulated virtio-scsi Yes Yes command line mid or slow performance, many disks
vhost vhost-scsi no no command line relative or mid performance
vhost SPDK vhost-user no no command line relative or mid performance
Device assignment vfio-pci no no Exclusive use Hihg performance, device is blocked by qemu

Sometimes higher performance means less flexibility

QEMU setup for simple virtualization

The program can be used no matter if you have hardware support or not in its simplest way, of couse is the most slow way to use emulation but runs on any system. For advanced usage with KVM and hardware support forward to the next mayor section QEMU with KVM and hardware virtualization.

installing qemu for simple emulation

cat > /etc/apk/repositories << EOF; $(echo)$(cat /etc/alpine-release | cut -d'.' -f1,2)/main$(cat /etc/alpine-release | cut -d'.' -f1,2)/community

apk update

apk add qemu qemu-img qemu-system-i386 qemu-system-arm qemu-modules

grep tun /etc/modules|| echo tun >> /etc/modules

Configuring qemu for simple emulation

sed -i 's|.*allow br.*|allow br0|g' /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

chown -R root:qemu /etc/qemu && chmod 640 /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

Running qemu machines with simple emulation

We can just boot a machine from a simple boot device of 32bit intel, over any other, it will relative decent becouse is an older sistem to emulate:

/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386  -name "alpinebootqemu1"

Warning: QEMU should never be run as root use the -runas option to make QEMU drop root privileges.

In any hardware you can also boot other machines, but emulation will be slow if “guest” (emulated) and “host” (that runs emulator) are not “common”:

/usr/bin/qemu-system-arm  -name "alpinebootqemu1"

Warning: QEMU should never be run as root use the -runas option to make QEMU drop root privileges.

Error initialization on qemu if no display

If you dont have a X11 sessions, or if you dont have allowed to share your devices, by example when you run linux inside shit operating systems, will raise some errors like:

Solution is to run headless and setup non graphics output screen, next setups will show two ways, first we just see the text only way with no X11 allowed:

Running qemu machines with simple emulation but no X11 output only text

We can just boot a machine but with arguments display to “ncurses” to run with no need of installations of Xorg complete software, but caution, this means you will only see what the emulated software are allowed to show in:

/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 -name "alpinebootqemu2" -display curses

The ncurses interface will take all the console output as a screen output! but when the OS emulated or software runs any graphical thing, blank output will happened and you can see anything then!

To run again or terminate such command you will need to kill in another console, or send shutdown action over the monitor console!

QEMU with KVM and hardware virtualization

You can improve the performance if your machine is PC based or ARM based (some) with the KVM (kernel virtual machine) and your virtualization support from hardware!

Where can be loaded the KVM support

The KVM for Hardware virtualization only could be possible when host and guest are same or similar architecture, some examples:

host/guess i386 amd64 armv6 armv7 aarch64 observations
i386 KVM(*) KVM(*) TCG TCG TCG only if common hardware is present, otherwise TCG
amd64 KVM(*) KVM(*) TCG TCG TCG only if common hardware and host is more recent rather guess, otherwise will be TCG
armv6 TCG TCG KVM(*) KVM(*) KVM(*) only if host is a more recent cpu rather than guest
armv7 TCG TCG KVM KVM KVM(*) only if common hardware and host is more recent rather guess, otherwise will be TCG
aarch64 TCG TCG KVM KVM KVM(*) only if common hardware is present, otherwise TCG

In such matrix, we fount at the column of i386, that if host is armv7 the emulation only will be full emulated (TCG) and not accelerated (KVM), cos there no common hardware to accelerated, but in case of emulation of armv6 any host of aarch64 or armv7 will do accelerated because the host is more recent and also has common hardware!

For marks (*) the underliying hardware must be equal or superior respect the emulated so by example we cannot emulate SSE4 from a host that does not have SSE4 flags on cpu, by example for emulation of i386 guess over i386 host, if the guess is a pentium4 the host cpu must be as minimun pentium4, if you already has a pentium3 and wants to emulate a pentium4 you will be very limited then!

Checking Virtualization Hardware support

You must check if your CPU support emulation by the command: apk add arch-install-scripts && lscpu | grep Virtualization, this is necessary for kvm implementation, if the above command does not show nothing you cannot do such emulation.

Installation qemu with KVM

apk add bash qemu-img qemu-system-* qemu-modules qemu-tools qemu-img

rmmod tun && rmmod vhost_net && rmmod vhost && modprobe vhost_net && modprobe tun
grep tun /etc/modules|| echo tun >> /etc/modules
grep vhost_net /etc/modules|| echo vhost_net >> /etc/modules

/bin/bash -c [  -z '$(grep -i intel /proc/cpuinfo|head -n1)' ] && echo AMD  || modprobe kvm_intel nested=1 && echo "options kvm_intel nested=Y">/etc/modprobe.d/kvm_intel.conf

/bin/bash -c [  -z '$(grep -i amd /proc/cpuinfo|head -n1)' ] && echo INTEL  || modprobe kvm_amd nested=1 && echo "options kvm_amd nested=Y">/etc/modprobe.d/kvm_intel.conf

sed -i 's|.*allow br.*|allow br0|g' /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

chown -R root:qemu /etc/qemu && chmod 640 /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

adduser -S -D -g '' -s /bin/bash -h /home/general general

adduser general qemu && adduser general kvm

Running a simple machine with KVM support

We can just boot a machine but with arguments to enable KVM and display to “ncurses” to avoid X11 xorg software:

/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 -name "alpinebootqemu3" -accel kvm -display curses

The addition of -accel kvm if the host is amd64 then this i386 virtual machine will run accelerated, will give improved performance, because will use direct hardware of the host machine.

To run again or terminate such command you will need to kill in another console!

Running the qemu without the kvm support

If your computer that will act as host it does not support the KVM infrastructure you can deactivate it explicit in command line:

/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 -name "alpinebootqemu5" -accel tcg -display curses

Obviously you will not need to configure any KVM or qemu group or user, the qemu system will just interpreted all the things but will runs more slow also.

This time we parsed -accel tcg but you can also add -machine accel=tcg to try others ways of optimization. To run again or terminate such command you will need to kill in another console!

QEMU and the memory - the IOMMU or DMAR and hugepages

IOMMU (Input/Output Memory Management Unit) is a feature of some CPUs that allows to map physical and virtual memory addresses to manage resources securely; this prevent buffer overflow attacks and other security threats by allowing devices to access only the memory regions that are explicitly allocated to them.

The IOMMU allows each VM to have its own virtual address space, preventing one VM from accessing the memory of another VM or the host system where multiple virtual machines (VMs) share the same physical hardware.

Hugepages allows to map huge address of RAM more faster, so IOMMU is highly necessary to and for emulation of unknown or insecure operating systems.,

Here we will configure hugepages for default system setup, for more deep use

Checking IOMMU or DMAR support

You must run a kernel with support for IOMMU, most of the desktop focused linux do not enable it, so you must check with two steps:

  1. Check if the CPU already were factorized for that. (Any xeon is)
  2. Check if BIOS/motherboard already set the feature and enable it!
    • the IOMMU technology is called “Intel VT-d” for intel CPUs
    • the IOMMU technology is called “AMD-Vi” or IOMMU for AMD CPUs
  3. Add to the kernel parameters the iommu=on after ro part on grub or cmdline
  4. After reboot check with root command: dmesg | grep -e DMAR -e IOMMU

You should see a “DMAR” word (if intel) or “IOMMU” word (if AMD).

Specifically, iommu kernel parameter manages the use of this technology in the system, there are also intel_iommu is for intel and amd_iommu for amd.

Manufacturers sometimes do not give the complete specifications but only those most popular ones such as how many cores it has or the speed, while the more internal specifications such as the Intel-Vt or the AMD-Vi do not mention whether they exist or not

CPU manufacturers show them but motherboard manufacturers often do not show them or even change their name. By example almost any XEON provides all necesary technology but if are mounted in a poor motherboard will not give you nothing.

Auto Configure the hugepages for qemu

If you will have a VM with 4096 Mb of RAM (only one)so then (4096/2)+1024 where the 1024 will be the amount of pages for.. this number will be the amouh of huges pages if your huge pages size configured is 2M, this will leave almost a quarter for other vm of hugepages, so the need hugepages with 2M “hugepagez” will be 3092

If you will have a VM with 4096 Mb of RAM (only one)so then (4096/2)+8 where the 8 will be the amount of pages for.. this number will be the amouh of huges pages if your huge pages size configured is 1G, this will leave almost a quarter for other vm of hugepages, so the need hugepages for 1G “hugepagez” will be 16

echo "options vhost max_mem_regions=16" > /etc/modprobe.d/vhost.conf

mount -t hugetlbfs -o rw,pagesize=$(grep Hugepagesize /proc/meminfo|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f 2)k,mode=1770,relatime,gid=$(getent group qemu | cut -d':' -f3) hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages

The mode 17770 will allow to users modify only their own resources, the mount of the hugetlbfs can be automatized by added this to fstab with:

grep hugetlbfs /etc/fstab || echo \
"hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages hugetlbfs rw,pagesize=$(grep Hugepagesize /proc/meminfo|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f 2)k,mode=1770,relatime,gid=$(getent group qemu | cut -d':' -f3) 0 0" \
 >> /etc/fstab

Warning: such autodetect the group and hugepage size in one command and will add to fstab

Example of how could look the entry in fstab after run such command:

hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages hugetlbfs rw,pagesize=2048k,mode=1770,relatime,gid=33 0 0

Where the hugepasesize is 2M the most common, and the gid is 33 a number that is not fixed, will depends of your current group, here we are using the “qemu” group for access from user.

running qemu with hugepages memory support and KVM acceleration

/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 -accel kvm -mem-path /dev/hugepages -display curses

The addition this time is the -accel kvm and -mem-path /dev/hugepages parameters that will bring improved performance, because will use direc hardware of the host but also including RAM access mapping, To run again or terminate such command you will need to kill in another console!

Qemu and network configurations

Network configurations are the first way to configure communication support with guess from host, network configuration is always auto configured.

Keep in mind that communicating with the virtual machine management is not the same as communicating with the virtualized system, for management and communication of the virtual machine see the connection section using sockets or ports below.


Qemu and disk image storages

Best options for are RAW and COW, this last the Qcow2.

The RAW storage is the best option for people that has slow real hardware, but will require complete file size allocation.

Creation of disk images

The RAW image file format is best for fast implementation, for best performance using a qcow2 image file, increase the cluster size when creating the qcow2 file, around 2 Megs and also perform a preallocation like we done with RAW before.

Warning this will make that the storage gain performance but this defeats thin provisioning, also mayor cluster size will increase waste of storage, for a faster creation you can use falloc allocation on modern versions as:

All of those commands created 10G disk sizes as noted at the end of the commands!

Tune up disk storage for QCOW formats

A common option is L2 table cache size, that is related to the amount of mapped size of virtual disk as disk_size = l2_cache_size * cluster_size / 8 so the based on disk size you could configure qemu drives (all in bytes): l2_cache_size = ( 8 * disk_size ) / cluster_size, reasonable values are 128k or 512k for cluster_size for calculations, 2M will take space too quickly.

Default qemu option today is 32M of cache sizes, but unfortunatelly large cache sizes implicts large amount of memory, because QEMU has a separate L2 cache for each qcow2 file, that gets worse with snapshots. This will tune up.

By example, for the 10G previously created images add to the qemu command VM this:

The values here for the 10G QCOW2 disk1 were estimated from the calculated values, so will cover also disk of 15G or 20G inclusivelly, the cache-clean-interval=700 is to clean the cache cos large cache sizes implicts large amount of memory, because QEMU has a separate L2 cache for each qcow2 file, that gets worse with snapshots.

Storage device recommendations

This depends of the virtual machine, over x86 by default uses SATA ich9-ahci only if Q35 is used as -machine argument, if not IDE will be used by default; but for ARM you must specify based on the machine to emulated, there is a option generic but guess (emulated OS) will need virtio modules on kernel.

Also it depends of the virtualization, if you wil use file storage virtualization (using a virtual hard disk and not real hard disk through passthrought) you must tune up the file of virtual disk and also the device of storage. On other case, if you use the real hardware is more complicated, you must know address and feature limits of the real hardware storage to use.

For file based virtual storage those are from best to most featured:

  1. -device virtio-blk,drive=hd0 is newer virtio block device for file storage emulation best option for performance but dont support huge amount of “disks” is prefered for ARM and Amd64 emulation, can be used on any emulation if the kernel of operating system support it!
  2. -device ide-hd,drive=hd0 is the most compatible storage device front, use it for older emulations. Will be a SATA similar to ich9-ahci if Q35 machine is used, for IDE must be if=ide so will be -drive file=storagedisk1.img,if=ide,id=hd0 so for older emulation with older OSs this is the best option.
  3. -device virtio-scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd0 is newer virtio block device for file storage emulation best option for huge amount of “disks” but less performance is prefered for server cluster emulation, can be used on any emulation if the kernel of operating system support it! Dont use it on older OSs.

Those options mus be used in conjuction with a device bus, by example -device ich9-achi before any of them! See some examples:

-device ich9-ahci,id=ahci \
-device ide-hd,drive=hd0,bus=ahci.0 \
-device ide-hd,drive=hd1,bus=ahci.1 \
-device ide-cd,drive=cd0,bus=ahci.2 \
-device ide-cd,drive=cd1,bus=ahci.3 \
-drive file=vm1-windows2k3-disk0.img,format=qcow2,if=none,media=disk,aio=threads,index=0,id=hd0 \
-drive file=vm1-windows2k3-disk1.img,format=qcow2,if=none,media=disk,aio=threads,index=1,id=hd1 \
-drive file=/home/general/Isos/live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,aio=threads,index=2,id=cd0 \
-drive file=/home/general/Downloads/windows-drivers-qemu-virtio-win-0.1.240-2023.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,aio=threads,index=3,id=cd1

Here we used ich9 ACHI SATA with 4 drives, two first are hard disk drives and seconds last are optical cd/dvd drives, index parameters indicates the order, and the id indicates where is attached in combination with bus from PCI storage. Note that if=none must be parse to associated with the specific bus=ahci.#!

With the aio=threads option is the preferred option when storing the VM image file on an ext4 file system (real machine) and emulated (guest) are not linux etx4!. With other file systems, aio=native must be used.

More complex combinations can be made, inclusive just usage of one partition, event a complete hard drive, or network mount drive also.

Qemu usage

We learned how to setup property the environment to run qemu but now we must to setup the virtual machines, taking into consideration:

Display video and device recommendations

In order of best compatibilty to most improvement:

  1. -device cirrus-vga,vgamem_mb=16 the most compatible with older and modern systems, this has only most common features and enables the needs of vgabios, uefivga, VGA output and any OS supported, allows max 16Mgs video and is the best choice compatibility wise, pretty much any guest should be able to bring up a working display on this device; on default use 4Mgs of video, it not gets full hd but is close to 1024p if use 16 megs, The best option for older systems emulation and full emulation compatibility
  2. -device virtio-vga,max_outputs=2 the most compatible with modern and up to date systems, has no dedicated video memory (except VGA compat.), if supports vgabios, uefivga, VGA output, gest os will need special module that is since 3.2 into linux; it gets full HD on it defaults, has (optional) hardware-assisted opengl acceleration which in turn needs opengl support enabled if -display xxx,gl=on is enabled in the qemu display (sdl/gtk), recommended for both modern or older systems with support of opengl but will require KVM support on host machine.
  3. -device ramfb very simple display device; sets a framebuffer stored in guest memory; does not have vga, support vgabios and uefivga; the firmware initializes it and allows to use it as boot display (grub boot menu, efifb, …) without needing complex legacy VGA emulation. Only recommended for SOC devices like older ARM boars emulation
  4. -device bochs-display the simple linear framebuffer, with modesetting, does not have vga, supports vgabios, supports uefivga, and is linux focused; firmware will setup a linear framebuffer as GOP anyway and never use any legacy VGA features, so this device is best option for UEFI related; also this is best option for server virtualized implementation. This is the default in qemu if you dont specify any vga device!
  5. -device xql-vga mostly dated, it feature is multihead support to a second display to remote connection, mostly for crap operating systems; if supports vgabios, uefivga, VGA output and any guest OS will support it; featured 2D acceleration so is mostly great for remote connection, but relies on a special client, offloading 2D acceleration to the spice client mostly virt-viewer; its best option for modern and older combinations.
  6. -device virtio-gpu,max_outputs=2 the most featured with modern and up to date systems, has no dedicated video memory, it lack of VGA layer, only has uefivga, will reduce the attack surface (no VGA emulation) and reduce the memory footprint by 8 MB (no pci memory bar for VGA compatibility); that is since 4.0 into linux; it gets full HD on it defaults, has (optional) hardware-assisted opengl acceleration which in turn needs opengl support enabled if -display xxx,gl=on is enabled in the qemu display (sdl/gtk) gpu data will be stored in main memory instead. This option is the best for linux or mac modern system and modern platform desktop emulation but will require of KVM on host machine.

WARNING opengl native support its broken in alpine qemu package:

Audio device recommendations

If the audiodev backend is not provided, QEMU looks up for it and adds it automatically, this only works for a single audiodev. For audio in order of best compatibilty to most improvement on modern hosted:

  1. -device AC97 is enough for older or newer devices, it comes with the mic and output at the same time, all the inputs and outputs are auto mapped to the backend and provided without, this is the best option for emulation of 32 bits of X86 based computers and older OS and 64bit linux!
  2. -device intel-hda -device hda-duplex the High definition audio, that must be provided with a specific device way, the hda-duplex will provide only “line in” and “line out” sound, no mic allowed.
  3. -device intel-hda -device hda-micro the High definition audio, that must be provided with a specific device way, the hda-micro will provide only “mic in” and “line out” sound, no “line in” allowed.
  4. -device ich9-intel-hda is the only recommended device to the emulation of modern propietary operating system from Apple or M$ if you runs 64bit guest operating systems! Otherwise use AC97 emulation.
  5. -device virtio-sound-pci is the most recent feature of qemu, but only supported for modern Linux guest OSs, its not recommended on most cases becouse is too recent and is complete virtualized (more slow but featured).

IMPORTANT On the host end (the VM not the host), available support include ALSA, OSS and WAV. The latter two being not so useful for practical audio on modern systems, ALSA is the only real option. The problem is, KVM does not support virtual ALSA devices, requires exclusive access to the hardware ALSA device, which of course leaves the host system (the machine runing qemu) without audio. If you need the virtual machine for some audio applications, it would be hugely practical to be able to somehow mix guest audio with host audio.

This can be achieved using ALSA loopback or JAck/Pulseaudio/Pipewire.

ALSA: If you use AC97 you should not get problems, using command as -device ac97,audiodev=sd1 -audiodev alsa,id=sd1 but is not the same if you try to boot modern system, so must use HDA audio device as -device intel-hda -device hda-micro,audiodev=sd1 -audiodev alsa,id=sd1,out.try-poll=off where audiodev will be the host system audio serve for the guess host, this need modprobe snd-aloop;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe snd-mixer-oss modules to be loaded, mostly firs one snd-aloop that is not so common.

PULSE: This case is not the same, you will need the address socket of the pulse server running (Each user runs their own instance), generally will be of unix:/run/user/<ID>/pulse/native where <ID> is the numeric id of the user that runs the command of qemu (with id -u general using the name general as username login you can get it); then you must use as -device ac97,audiodev=sd1 -audiodev pa,id=sd1,server=unix:/run/user/<ID>/pulse/native if you try older guest OS using the older AC97, but for modern ones use as -device intel-hda -device hda-micro,audiodev=sd1 -audiodev pa,id=sd1,server=unix:/run/user/<ID>/pulse/native

Network device recommendations

If the netdev backend is not provided, QEMU looks up for it and adds it automatically, this only works for a single netdev. For network devices this will rely on two options only as most recommended:

Manage running qemu instance with qemu monitor and TCP connection

If you need to communicate with qemu remotely you can send network commands, by using a TCP session over monitor and netcat, for that the virtual machine instance must have a name with -name and declare a tcp/address with -monitor so we can use a unix connection to communicate with the virtual machine for commands.

  1. Install need tools apart of qemu like apk add netcat-openbsd
  2. Run qemu VM, add arguments with -monitor tcp:<port>,server,nowait;
  3. No you can use netcat as: echo info\ status |nc -N <ip> <port>

Example: echo info\ status |nc -N localhost 19101 if you run both in same machine and qemu was run with addition of -monitor tcp:,server,nowait.

This method is the most insecure due lack of ssl, but the most flexible because the connection can be made across network.

Manage running qemu instance with qemu monitor and Unix socket connection

If you need to communicate with qemu locally but secure you can send socket commands, using unix socket and sockat utility, for that the virtual machine instance must have a name with -name and declare a unix/socket with -monitor so we can use a unix connection to communicate with the virtual machine for commands.

  1. Install need tools apart of qemu like apk add sockat
  2. Run qemu VM, add arguments with -monitor unix:<path/to/socketname>,server,nowait;
  3. No you can use netcat as: echo info\ status |nc -N <ip> 19101

Example: echo "info status" | socat - unix-connect:qemuvm1socket if you run both in same directory (qemu in one tty/console and socat in another tty/console) and qemu was run with addition of -monitor unix:qemuvm1socket,server,nowait

This method is the most elegant and secure, but the most limited because the unix socket is only local, or NFS made.

You can made a session monitor: socat -,echo=0,icanon=0 unix-connect:qemuvm1socket

Guest setup and combinations

For Windows 8.1 USB tablet is available only with USB 2.0 pass through (QEMU option: -device usb-ehci,id=ehci -device usb-tablet,bus=ehci.0 The USB tablet device helps the Windows guest to accurately track mouse movements. Without it mouse movements will be jerky. Another device that can be presented to the Windows guest is the random number generator. Add QEMU option: -device virtio-rng-pci . Now install the viorng driver from the driver image. For Windows 10, to boot using UEFI the sys-firmware/edk2-ovmf is required on the host, then add QEMU option: -bios /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd. to the qemu call. This option is essential for running Hyper-V guest images.

Spice share clipbard

using the SPICE guest agent you can shared the clipboard, you must install the SPICE guest tools from and configure your VM to enable the SPICE guest agent:

-device virtio-serial-pci \
-chardev spicevmc,id=vdagent,name=vdagent \
-device virtserialport,chardev=vdagent,name=com.redhat.spice.0

see also


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