This is only for those that dont want to download bunch of things and needs a ready to use setup for any case!
The most important tool for development is the VCS (version control system). The most usefull too for GUI development is the IDE (intregrated development environment)
From this, there’s the RAD, means Rapid Application Development and the prefered way model for starting newbies..
In any case the base for development will be need, that means:
You must have a valid desktop configured like or some of the others in tutorials!
The base development only install console only packages and setup user to do things without gui, IDE or RAD, just to being able to reproduce development environments!
PRE-REQUISITE: valid desktop configured like or some of the others in tutorials!
apk add pkgconf make make-doc cmake cmake-doc cmake-bash-completion build-base arch-install-scripts abuild abuild-rootbld abuild-doc
apk add gcc gcc-gdc gcc-go g++ gcc-objc gcc-doc clang18 clang18-dev
apk add patch patch-doc patchutils patchutils-doc diffutils diffutils-doc zip zip-doc p7zip p7zip-doc xz xz-doc tar tar-doc file file-doc sed sed-doc lsof lsof-doc less less-doc groff groff-doc gawk gawk-doc
apk add git git-bash-completion git-zsh-completion git-cvs git-svn github-cli git-diff-highlight git-doc
apk add subversion subversion-bash-completion subversion-zsh-completion subversion-yash-completion subversion-doc
apk add mercurial mercurial-bash-completion mercurial-zsh-completion mercurial-doc
apk add tmux screen byobu font-terminus
apk add doas doas-sudo-shim
is ony since alpine v3.18, for older versions useterminus-font
From this point you can work in console terminal all development task, of course, each development will need specific need, but this ones installed are always basic and mandatory (almost in all cases).
This firts set of package are only for console or most standart only.. after setup the user environment you can go forward to more GUI related setup.
USer must be in some special groups what will be only available if you follow this guide from beggining!
user, please dont bypass this!general
in the doas list for privilegie scalation!useradd -m -U -c "" -G abuild,wheel,input,disk,floppy,cdrom,dialout,audio,video,lp,netdev,games,users general
for u in $(ls /home); do for g in disk abuild wheel adm netdev kvm; do addgroup $u $g; done;done
cat > /etc/doas.d/general.conf << EOF
permit keepenv :general
mkdir -m 775 -p /home/general/Devel
chown -R general:abuild /home/general/Devel
setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/ter-132n.psf.gz
sed -i "s#.*consolefont.*=.*#consolefont="ter-132n.psf.gz"#g" /etc/conf.d/consolefont
rc-update add consolefont boot
Warning: those commands will not work if you dont install packages in first section above!
Only the user general is allowed to run root commans, the doas-sudo-shim
packages allows to do that with any “sudo” or “doas” no matter you use for!
This must be run after install console tools and before setup gui development setup, user will setup the variables of environment:
mkdir -m 775 -p /home/general/Devel
chown general:abuild /home/general/Devel
git config --global pull.rebase=true
git config --global ssh.postBuffer 2000000000
git config --global http.postBuffer 2000000000
git config --global http.lowSpeedLimit 0
git config --global http.lowSpeedTime 999999
git config --global https.postBuffer 2000000000
git config --global https.lowSpeedLimit 0
git config --global https.lowSpeedTime 999999
git config --global ""
git config --global "generalvenenux"
doas sed -i 's|.*PACKAGER\s*=.*|PACKAGER="generalvenenux <>"|g' /etc/abuild.conf
doas sed -i 's|.*MAINTAINER\s*=.*|MAINTAINER="\$PACKAGER"|g' /etc/abuild.conf
abuild-keygen -a -i -n
The most compatible and all availabe IDE is geany, this powerful tool is very poorly valued, since like everything in linux it must be configured according to your interest, unlike other java or python craps that comes already configured.
In such case Geany is as close to the Unix spirit it featured: overview, htmlpreview, compile, diff, CVS, colorpicker, htmlpicker, tabletools, codecleanup, and much more.
For terminal insteach of the usage of tmux or screen inside the already GUI, we recommended the yet ready for similar purposes Terminator.
apk add geany geany-plugins-lang geany-plugins-addons geany-plugins-geanyextrasel geany-plugins-overview geany-plugins-geanyvc geany-plugins-treebrowser geany-plugins-tableconvert geany-plugins-spellcheck geany-plugins-shiftcolumn geany-plugins-utils geany-lang meld meld-lang
apk add terminator terminator-lang