
Alpine Linux

title: Contributing

Contributing to Alpine Wiki

.. a markdown based effor to provide non-minimalist documentation for a minimalist operating system named Alpine Linux

All contributors are expected to abide by our Rules of Conduct and our Copyright and Policy

Contributing Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the project! Those are the areas or ways you can contribute:

Each of *those areas or ways have already alternative ways to do the same, cos obviously will need minimal requirements already explained in each section.

How to join and fill a suggestion



  1. Join at codeberg by sing in an account or login
  2. Go to the issue tab on the repository
  3. Create a new issue here using the green button at the almost top right corner
  4. Fill your suggestion [Following the formats]
  5. Take care of the description, justify the changes
  6. Wait for aproval and stay alert about any comment


You can send us the sugestion by using our social networks, but will be not officially followed:

How to join and improve articles



  1. Join at codeberg by [sing in] an account or [login]
  2. Fork the repository into your own userspace
  3. Create a branch from the base one
  4. Make your edits using our [Format of wiki edits]
  5. Send a Merge Request or Pull Request to our repo
  6. Take care of the description, justify the changes
  7. Wait for aproval and stay alert about any comment

Sending us the entire changed file is our of sync with guidelines so an alternative way for that its using the How to join and fill a suggestion case.

How to join and apply for bug issue handler





How to join and apply for repo sync manager



  1. Join at codeberg by [sing in] an account or [login]
  2. TODO



Check also